DiSC Training for a Stronger Team

DiSC Training for a Stronger Team


As employers continue to navigate “The Great Resignation,” there is one good piece of news in sight: more studies are showing that many employees are leaving their jobs for better opportunities. Sure, some people are leaving the workforce altogether, but more people are upgrading their jobs and using the pandemic conditions to improve their pay, position, and/or treatment. This trend is part of an increasing body of evidence that this time in the labor market is less of a “Great Resignation” and more of a “Great Renegotiation.”


Being an employer that people WANT to work for absolutely includes good wages and benefits, but it goes way beyond those. A job that pays miiight get people in the door (though even that’s a huge struggle today), but it’s the way an employee gets treated and gets to work with those around them that encourages people to stay with a company. It’s critical to recognize people as individuals and give them opportunities to use their strengths, work on their weaknesses, and engage in an authentic way with their colleagues. One tool that’s a proven method for accomplishing all of those things and building more open workplace cultures is DiSC: a behavioral model that helps people better understand unique styles of operating and communicating.

What's DiSC?

The DiSC model describes four primary styles of behavior and communication:

  •  Dominance: people who are confident and goal-oriented
  •  Influence: people who are outgoing and lively
  • Steadiness: people who are patient and humble
  •  Conscientiousness: people who are detail-oriented critical thinkers

While everyone is a mix of styles, there is always one or two styles that emerge in a person. Understanding what someone’s individual style is can help them leverage their strengths, address their challenges, and teach them how to work more effectively with those around them.

Why Your Team Needs DiSC Training

You know how looking in a mirror is often different than looking at a photo of yourself? Your behavior and DiSC style can function the same way. We often think we know the way we operate, what we find easy, and what activities we avoid (our daily, yet fleeting checks in the mirror), but DiSC captures and puts a bright spotlight on those notions (like a photo), illuminating every shiny and beautiful detail we’re proud of as well as the blemishes in our behavior that we often choose to ignore or minimize.

DiSC sheds light on those behavioral tendencies, and goes one step further. It also gives you tools to put those strengths in action and helps you work through (not around!) the challenges that may come along with your natural style.

DiSC can transform team members at any level of your organization:

  • Top level leadership: Cast clear vision for your team, build coordinated alignment, and champion strong execution
  •  Mid Level or New Managers: Learn which management tasks (motivating, delegating, and developing your team members) come naturally to you, and which you may need to work on in order to build strong relationships with your direct reports
  •  Team Members: Learn more about how you operate and how to work better across different DiSC styles

DiSC workshops will help your team members build stronger relationships with each other and lasting skills to improve their relationships outside of work. 


If all this sounds amazing, I’m glad to tell you that Gordeaux offers DiSC training for all shapes and sizes of teams! Contact Gordeaux to learn more about DiSC workshops that will transform your team into one that people want to join and stay with for the long haul!